
  • <p>  Kongpope and Diew are half-brothers. At first, they get along but r…
  •   这是一部具有奇幻元素的电影,故事发生在1996年的夏天,在阿拉戈斯海岸,塔玛拉在她居住的渔村度过了最后几周…
  • It's a jolly mess when two young brides get lost from a train. Set in 2001, somewhere in rural India.
  •   The story of Antoine Leiris, who lost his beloved wife Hélène in the terrori…
  •   40岁的抑郁症患者瓦利德与他的妻儿一起生活在海法,梦想从事写作的职业。当瓦利德与新邻居——一个住在他公寓…
  •   It is summer break and best friends Amélie, Bintou and Morjana hang together…
  • 塔莉(米歇尔·菲佛 Michelle Pfeiffer 饰)是个平凡的女侍应,但她心里一直有个当播音员的梦想。她多么想她的梦…
  •   人迹罕至的森林中,四个乘舟沿河漂流的年轻人被一名畸形的食人猎手袭击,食人狂用弓箭和陷阱将他们猎杀殆尽,…
  • Lydda Junction is a tragic love story between Kareem and Manar, two young Palestinian rap artists who grew…
  • yle=color: rgb(17, 17, 17); f>在印度海德拉巴的老城区有个一心做着侦探梦的女孩,她就是本片的主人公芭比。业余…
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