
  •   A bus named Anbu narrates the stories of its 24 passengers, giving a glimpse…
  • From the director of LEAVE comes a new suspenseful and horrifying feature, set in the US.
  • A supermarket in a Moscow suburb is the heart of darkness for the Uzbek “employees” who work there around …
  • 安納托利亞山區寄宿學校的小男生病了,同窗好友尤瑟夫四出奔波求助。經過 重重關卡才獲理會,待老師校長得知事態…
  • 1928年,伪满洲国的日本翻译伊丹英彦(仲村亨)离开中国情人丁慧(章子怡)返回日本,数年后他再回中国来到上海时…
  • <p>  法赫尔·巴瓦利是库尔德武装“佩什梅格”(敢死队)的一名军官。<br/>  2003年,萨达姆…
  •   A stately home robbery takes an evil turn one night when a gang of young thi…
  •   Umut, a young man who is mute but not deaf, finds out that his mother has be…
  • 讲述某19岁女子(阿尔芭·巴普蒂斯塔)从停尸房“诈尸”醒来,发现自己是一个神圣的古老组织成员,要去对抗世上的恶…
  • When three Emirati soldiers are ambushed in a hostile territory, their commander leads a daring mission to…
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