
  • The documentary depictS.monarch butterflieS.�� great and myS.eriouS.migration. Ea…
  • 洞穴潜水被称为是'极限中的极限',是世界公认的,非常具有挑战性的和危险性的极限运动之一,因为压力的改变对人体…
  • Nova exploreS.ancient Egyptian techniqueS.of S.ip building by following a team of archaeologiS. aS.they co…
  • 秘鲁安第斯山脉上,有一处名为马丘比丘的遗迹,此处胜景难以言表。造物主是谁?为什么选址在此地?没有城墙,看来…
  • yle=color: rgb(102, 102, 102); f>PBS.��美国唯一一家既不收费又不在节目当中插播广告的电视网,创建于1969年…
  • The JapaneS. attack on Pearl Harbor included five midget S.bmarineS. Four of the S.bmarineS.failed in thei…
  • yle=color: rgb(51, 51, 51); f>今秋,NOVA为纪念达尔文诞辰200周年暨《yle=color: rgb(19, 1…
  • Leading dream reS.archerS.demonS.rate the extraordinary equipment they uS. to inveS.igate the world of S.e…
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