
  • 无尽之中,我们被一个女人温柔的声音引导着整个世界。那是一种神话般的声音,一首Scheherazade给我们讲述了人类生…
  • <p>yle=color: rgb(17, 17, 17); f>故事发生在十九世纪末北欧,混乱的局势衰颓的经济令人民们陷入了民不聊…
  • 温和派富有魅力的亲民政客意外获任新首相——作为丹麦首位女首相,她在克里斯蒂安堡宫里又会有着怎样的表现?克里…
  • A teachers' world is turned upside down when her husband, a successful headmaster, is caught embezzling fr…
  • <p>yle=color: rgb(17, 17, 17); f>贝克(彼得·库尔思 Peter Kurth 饰)曾经失手杀死了富翁达汉姆…
  • 艾瑞克(约翰·马特森 Johan Matton 饰)是一名作家,有一个固定的伴侣乔娜(Linnea Larsdotter 饰),两…
  • Bruce, a successful money manager to the stars, and his beautiful Swedish girlfriend Emma seem to be the p…
  • In the fourth season, a woman is found brutally murdered on a small artificial Danish island close to the …
  • A chronological account of the heavy metal band Iron Maiden's 2008 world tour through India, Australia, Ja…
  • 为抗议物价大幅度上涨,工人罢工,聚众示威冲击大楼。聚焦当地书记如何处理群体性事件,绞尽脑汁维稳,想方设法逃…
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