
  •   奧斯卡今年10歲,因為媽媽去了美國,他只好與壞脾氣的外公同住。夏天到了,他和新朋友李維計劃帶著李維的馬一…
  •   这是一部有趣而甜蜜的青少年电影,讲述了人与马的真挚友情和孩子们对自己将来的思索。美丽的少女莫妮卡和父母…
  •   影片为黑色喜剧,男主为了向前妻证明自己的勇敢竟贸然抢劫了银行。警察开始调查犯罪案件却遗漏了这个看上去非…
  •   Kat Emerson could really use a Christmas miracle! The aspiring singer-songwr…
  • 美国的冒险家杰夫·约翰逊,驾船环绕半个地球,成功的攀登上科罗纳多巅峰。在探索自然的过程中,他体会到人生无与…
  • Whilst trying to reignite their relationship at a remote cottage, Dave and Abi are stalked by a terrifying…
  •   On the night of his untimely and mysterious death in post Civil War New Orle…
  •   A street racer's life is turned upside down after a near fatal car crash, le…
  •   26岁的约翰·琼斯是名”洞穴探险家”,他喜欢挑战各种不同大小的洞穴攀爬。2009年,琼斯挑战犹他州坚果石灰洞…
  •   When a young coffee shop owner is threatened with repossession she must take…
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