
  •   A bus named Anbu narrates the stories of its 24 passengers, giving a glimpse…
  •   MEDUSA DELUXE is a murder mystery set in a competitive hairdressing competit…
  •   南非自由州是南非白人这一少数群体的据点。在这个保守的乡村地区,力量和男性特权依然是当地人尊崇的两个词汇…
  •   A couple temporarily adopts a young girl that they found wandering around al…
  •        情报部门的内鬼导致一名卧底间谍遇害,为了替死者报仇,这个冷酷的特工对内鬼展开无…
  • The story focuses on the titular protagonist Tina who learns from Megi to live a self-determined life in p…
  • <p>  On the remote island of Chiloé in the late 19th century, an Indigen…
  •   农村少女萨琪因为五个未婚夫的接连意外被村里人称为“衰神萨琪”,却又因为出色的天赋被选为职业射击运动员,…
  • 苏扎诺担任新分局的警察局长,这个胆小的新人不得不向他无所畏惧的小队证明自己的勇气。
  •   還有什麼比考完學測更令人興奮呢?終於解脫了的露、馬力克、菲歐娜、索拉、保羅與提爾六個死黨,趁著青春不想…
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